Saturday, June 10, 2006

5 things

5 things in my fridge

1. Snapple iced tea
2. White Zinfadel
3. Leftover lasagna
4. A cucumber
5. Boneless chicken breasts

5 things in my closet

1. Scandalous red dress
2. A little suitcase on a very high shelf *giggle*
3. Platforms and pumps
4. Numerous skeletons
5. Cablemodem box

5 things in my car

1. Starbucks coffee tumbler cup
2. Ronny Jordan CD
3. Cellphone charger
4. Towel
5. Road atlas

5 things in my purse

1. About 15 credit cards
2. Silver bullet
3. Gum
4. Palmpilot
5. Map of Missouri (don't ask)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow!!!! Very funny!

Incest sites

8:45 PM  

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